When Your Past Hunts You

Are you afraid to go to bed at night because of nightmares? Your past life rearing its ugly head to taunt you that you can never change? Voices of your past life telling you that your present life is a joke, too good to be true and that very soon, things will fall apart?

Every day, we are bombarded with negative voices. Constant reminders that we’ll never escape from events of the past. A voice telling you that you’ve committed several abortions as such, you’ll never have a baby. You deserve a barren life.

Another telling you that once a prostitute, you’ll always remain a prostitute. No matter the change on the outside, you’ll never escape the temptations. Another telling you that once a convict or addict, you’ll remain same no matter how transformed your life is now.

You walk down the street and you hear references like: that murderer, that Beggar, that Liar , that Prostitute, that HIV patient, that TB patient, that addict, that ex convict, that gambler, that husband/ wife snatcher. Labels that seeks to destroy your present wonderful life even when you left that lifestyle years ago. 

Don’t live in despair for there is hope!

From the stories of Rahab and Mary Magdalene, buttress the fact that your past no matter how hideous should not control or dictate your present and future life.

The Book of Joshua 2 : 1 says Rahab was a Prostitute. If Bible says someone is a prostitute, that means first class-prostitute with all the stigmatization and ostracization that comes with it in those days.

The Book of Ruth 1 says Ruth was an idol worshipper, a pagan. Even when she entered the land of Israel with her mother-in-law and mingled with the people, she was still regarded as a foreigner and outcast. Matt 8:2 says Mary Magdalene was a demon-possessed woman that Jesus casted out 7 demons from. 

There are all women that struggled with the consequences of their past lives. Matt 1:5 mentioned Rahab and Ruth as ancestors to Jesus Christ the Saviour of the world.

Matt 27:55 says Mary Magdalene was one of the women that cared for Jesus and supported his ministry. The climax is that Mary saw Jesus first as recorded in Mark 16:9.

Jesus chose to reveal himself first to a woman that was demon possessed! What an honor.

Rahab the Prostitute is called a woman of faith in Heb 11:31. What an honor.

No matter your past, stop trying to hide yourself, deny the fact that that was your previous life. Don’t try to  change your name or identity or change location. Mentally accept your past it so that it losses it’s crippling effects on you.

Tell yourself: I was a prostitute, I was a gambler, I was an addict, I was a murderer. Confess your sins to Jesus, the one who can make you whole again and forgive yourself because God has forgiven you.

Raise your head up and walk as a redeemed of the Lord. Jesus paid in full the price for your past sinful life so you don’t have to live in guilt and shame.

Cast off the guilt  and shame of the past. Don’t allow your past hunt you anymore!

You are saved and delivered to live a wonderful life regardless of your past. If you let go of that past and let God take control now, you will have a testimony just like the 3 women mentioned have and God will honor you as well. 


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